The Horticultural Department
The Society’s Horticultural Department is here to help, encourage and support Islanders to grow.
The Department is run by a Chairman and a Committee of dedicated volunteers with a passion for all things horticultural who focus on Shows and Competitions. These Shows and Competitions are organised by the Horticultural Secretary Rachelle Robinson and there is a very busy calendar of activities going on each year – there is always something for everyone to get involved with whether you are a keen gardener, grower or just an admirer.
The events held during the calendar year by the Horticultural Secretary are four Horticultural Shows in March, June, August and October which include classes ranging from cut flowers, pot plants, cacti & succulents, fruit & vegetables, floral art plus cake baking. Rachelle also organises four Competitions held in July which include the garden competition for all gardens in the Island to enter and one for all the Nursery & Primary Schools to enter.
Rachelle also manages and looks after the Society’s Allotment Site - The FJ Ahier Country Gardens which has 61 plots that are leased to individual and couples.
More information on the Shows, Competitions and Allotment Site can be found on the tabs at the top of the page.
If have any enquiries, please contact the Horticultural Secretary Rachelle on 860648 or email: rachelle@royaljersey.co.uk

Children’s classes - Cakes, Painting & Vegetable creations