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The Cultivate Scheme of Discovery will provide young people an opportunity to learn about our local agri-food industry in a fun and interactive way. The Scheme of Discovery is designed to help students understand the links between what they eat and the environment around them, as a way of highlighting the relevance that food and farming plays in their daily lives, helping to improve their connectedness with the natural world.


The Scheme of Discovery aims to build on, and collaborate with, the many excellent initiatives under way in Jersey at present to integrate agri-food into the school curriculum and to drive a greater interest in the sector as a career option.


The Cultivate Scheme of Discovery (made up of seven lessons) is aimed at KS3 students and can be taught in Geography lessons over a half term (preferably the Spring or Summer term where food and farming is clearly visible around them). Alternatively, each lesson can be taught as stand-alone lessons for a classroom or form time activity.


To discuss the Cultivate Scheme of Discovery further please email:


Please click on the appropriate honeycomb below to download

your lesson


The Pearl in the Channel

Meet 'BEECO' the bee, your virtual tutor

Cultivate Resources


Cultivate Picnic Placemat

Genuine Jersey Chart



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